No Sweat Summer Design

The neat thing about Idaho is we experience all 4 season, and while there’s no better place to live in my opinion (find your Idahome here), as the summer lays it’s full force of heat upon us, I find myself thinking of more ways to keep cool.

However, you know how I believe in all the psychology of surrounding yourself in a supportive environment, so box fans scattered around simply weren’t going to cut it for me, and sweat soaked couches weren’t going to cut it for my guests either.

Have no fear! If your A/C simply isn’t keeping up, or you have an outrageously hot husband like me (pun intended), there is a way to create sleek, no sweat summer design.

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Ceiling Fans

The first, and most simple way to incorporate the all-cooling-God-send of fans, is to head down to Lowe’s, have a blast roaming their ceiling fan isle, pick a couple dope fans out, then have Lowe’s deliver and install them while you make sun tea on the patio.


P.S. Already have a ceiling fan but hate how outdated it is? Check out rustoleum spray paint and give your accessory the cheapest upgrade available. 


Shop ‘Til You Drop

You could also visit your local decor stores, or surf the web to find already stylish floor fans.


All you have to do is pick an accessory that flows with your design, and swipe your credit card. However, not everyone has it in their budget to get a shiny-new-cooling-tool…


So the swirling Lowe’s aisle is out of budget, just camouflage your big ugly fan behind cute accessories and furniture.


While this could hold the fan back from it’s true cooling potential, it is a good option to find comfort and style.

DIY Duchess

Finally, the best way to design a space exactly the way your lifestyle dictates, looking good, keeping cool, and guarding the wallet, is to first put a little DIY sweat into it. You could get crafty with all kinds of fabric, tape, and miscellaneous materials, but the simplest way to transform a look is with good old fashioned spray paint.

Disclaimer: If you’re not good with spray paint, it may behoove you to spend a little bit more time with patio paint, rather than deal with drips. 
Disclaimer 2: If you are going to spray paint, plan on overspray. Do not spray inside your home while trying to sell your home the night before the inspector comes *ahem, my husband…*. 


$8 later and that clunky item you put up with because you had to has now become a part of your design.

Plus, what a fun project to keep your kids (or yourself) entertained during the long summer hours.


Other FANtastic ways to keep cool:

The Ultimate Fort: I came across this super fun way to keep kids cool and entertained and can’t wait to find a giant Duvet and try it myself!


The Spritzer: A fine mist can make all the difference during the dog days of summer, get a misting ring and attach it to your fan to beat the heat all summer long.


Remember, everything you want in life can be yours, if you find a way to make it happen.

Make it happen, friends!

Design your life.


Kaitlin Tookey Palmer is an award winning REALTOR®, passionate designer, speaker, and humanitarian. She jumped into business with both feet at age 19 and started working as a licensed real estate professional with Amherst Madison Real Estate Advisors. Dedicated to learning, serving, and enriching the lives of those in her community, she quickly climbed the proverbial ladder, earning leadership positions within her company, business organizations, and community service organizations. She has been recipient to several awards and nominations within her two year career. After partnering with real estate professional, Casey Wilson, and rebranding to Wilson Homes, Kaitlin and Casey closed over $13 million in home sales in 2017.  
“Wilson Homes isn’t simply a real estate business, it’s a movement for a better life. A better community. A better World.”

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